How to Draw Zombie Nyan Cat, Zombie Nyan Cat

how to draw zombie nyan cat, zombie nyan cat
how to draw zombie nyan cat, zombie nyan cat step 1


 Make a circle for the head, and then draw in the face guides like so.
how to draw zombie nyan cat, zombie nyan cat step 2


 Draw out the actual shape of the cat's face like so, and then draw in the small pointed ears. Sketch in the missing chunks of flesh on the cheeks and then move to step three.
how to draw zombie nyan cat, zombie nyan cat step 3


 Draw and color in the small round eyes, and then draw in the kitty style nose.
how to draw zombie nyan cat, zombie nyan cat step 4


 Draw in the top row of teeth and be sure to give this kitty some fangs. You will then sketch in the ripped, muscle exposed tissue like so, and then draw in the tongue. Color the hollow or darkened area of the mouth like so.
how to draw zombie nyan cat, zombie nyan cat step 5


 Next, draw out the pop tart shaped body like so, and then draw in the lining that will make the edges of the frosted topping.
how to draw zombie nyan cat, zombie nyan cat step 6


 And lastly for the last step, all you have to do is draw out the legs like so, and then sketch in the puffy tail. Sketch in the speckles on the pop tart and erase all the lines and shapes that you drew in step one.
how to draw zombie nyan cat, zombie nyan cat step 7


 The line art looks as follows. As you can see you are all ready to color in the zombified Nyan cat.

How To Draw A Gun

how to draw a glock 17 9mm hand gun
how to draw a glock 17 9mm hand gun step 1


 In this step you have to sketch out the hand gun using a steady hand and a good eye. Take your time and start at the very top and draw a straight line to the back of the gun. From the back start sketching your way down drawing the butt where your hand would grip the gun at. Sketch the ridges along the side and work your way under then up toward the trigger. Finish it off by drawing the under part of the barrel and connect it to the top.
how to draw a glock 17 9mm hand gun step 2


 In this step you will be detailing the definition of glock 9. You can start anywhere you want, but I usually start in the middle since it is a straight line that is the length of the gun. The best thing for you to do so you can the specific detail is enlarge the image so everything is clear to see. Detail the butt with some simple line work and move to step 3.
how to draw a glock 17 9mm hand gun step 3


 This is a short step that evolves more detailing. This time you will be sketching out horizontal lines on the back of the unit. These lines are for easy gripping action. After you draw that out move to the barrel and sketch in a few more lines to define the 9mm. A couple of screws need to drawn in as well before moving onto the next step.
how to draw a glock 17 9mm hand gun step 4


 Right now, we are on the fourth step. In this step we will start to sketch in some more details of the Glock. Make sure you use a ruler to get the lines perfectly straight. I used a ruler on my tablet to make them straight. I can't wait to finish this beaut off!
how to draw a glock 17 9mm hand gun step 5


 Ok peeps, this is pretty much the last step until the finished lineart. For now, focus on the grip details of the gun. This is very important because it keeps the gun in your hand without sliding. Imagine a slippery gun? I bet you'd miss your targets. Anyways, draw a few more details, and you should be all set.
how to draw a glock 17 9mm hand gun step 6


 This is the last step. After you complete your sketch, erase any pencil lines that may have accidentally scratched the pad. You will need to use some basic shading technique to finish off the sketch. After you are don you should have a drawing that looks like this. Color it black or chrome or a color of your choice.

How to Draw Realistic People, Draw Real People

how to draw realistic people
how to draw realistic people step 1


 This is just a sketch of the many different face shapes that a human face can be drawn in. As you can see there is a total of nine different types of face structures, and all of them are their own shape. Look through this drawing to see what shape best fits your face. I think I have the round face.
how to draw realistic people step 2


 This is a sketch of the three different types of head poses that your realistic person can sport when you draw out your person. There is a pose from the side, front, and three fourths view.
how to draw realistic people step 3


 I want to explain this diagram in detail even though I already wrote it for you in the drawing. The eye of a profile face has a halve appearance. Many artists draw this the wrong way by drawing the eye in a whole form. The profile view of the face has a lot of details. There is a slight indication of a cheek like you see here, and there is also a line that defines the ridge of the nose. All of these factors are important to make the face look as real as possible. Study this sketch until you get the idea.
how to draw realistic people step 4


 As you can see in this diagram, I drew three different body poses. One is of a female, the middle figure is a male, and the last drawing is of a human skeleton. As you can see the portions are drawn accurately.
how to draw realistic people step 5


 In this step, I show you how to draw realistic people by their genders. There are many differences and details you must master in order to draw the most accurate realistic person. You may find drawing males harder because of their seemingly box like curves. Unlike women, men have box-like bodies. I have trouble trying to keep their bodies in tune with the anatomy. Read along the tips and you'll see what details you shouldn't leave out when you draw realistic people.
how to draw realistic people step 6


 As with other parts of the human face, there are lots of different eyes and eye expressions. Artists sometimes have trouble figuring out how to draw eyes. This is a diagram that I sketched of different eye styles and shapes. The Asian, angry, and top left eye are my three favorites.
how to draw realistic people step 7


 Like the eyes, there are various types of noses as well. Drawing a realistic nose can sometimes be frustrating as well. One of the hardest things for me to do when it came time to draw a nose, is getting it to look portioned with the face I was drawing. You have to remember, the size, shape, and structure of the nose should go along with the shape of the face.
how to draw realistic people step 8


 Let's get onto the lesson shall we? Start by drawing two circles for the heads of the male and female realistic person you are about to draw. Next, draw the facial guidelines, and try to make sure that the guidelines are drawn the way you see them here.
how to draw realistic people step 9


 You will now start lightly sketching out the eyes for both the male and female face. Once that is done, you can sketch out the sides of the noses like so.
how to draw realistic people step 10

STEP 10.

 Choose a face structure that you think would best fit your head figures, and then when you have chosen a face structure, begin sketching out the shape of the two faces. Next, draw the eyeballs, nostril holes, and then the top part of the mouth or lips.
how to draw realistic people step 11

STEP 11.

 Now you can start drawing realistically. Begin by adding color to the eyes, and by sketching out the eyebrows. Next, sketch the shape of the ears, and the rest of the mouth. Add some shading on the males cheeks, and on the lids of the female. When that is done you can sketch the shape of his neck, and their hairstyles. You can choose any style you like, but whatever you choose is fine.
how to draw realistic people step 12

STEP 12.

 When all is said and done, this is how your realistic people should look. You can choose to color them in, or you can leave your realistic people as sketches. I hope you had fun with this lesson, but more importantly, I hope you have learned something new today.

Drawing Anime Eyes

drawing anime eyes
drawing anime eyes step 1


 A member said that they would appreciate if I would include a snapshot of what I use to draw with. For this lesson I used four tools, a high polyester eraser, and three different pencils used for drawing and shading as well as creating darkened lines in certain areas.
drawing anime eyes step 2


 This sketched diagram or tip shows you how the angle of a common anime eye should look from top to bottom. As you can see the eye slants a bit inward for added expression.
drawing anime eyes step 3


 For this type of anime eye, the character is most likely feeling strain, confusion, sadness, or pain. The ends of the eyes squeeze in a pinched fashion to give off this type of expression.
drawing anime eyes step 4


 When drawing or coloring in the eyes, you will almost always have to leave a spot or two uncolored. This is to add the shine or glare factor for the anime eye as I point out to you here in this example.
drawing anime eyes step 5


 For a less intense glare effect, shade in the area to be whitened out but keep some of the color inside of the eye. This will end up looking like a faded part of the eye glare or shine.
drawing anime eyes step 6


 Let's begin drawing anime eyes shall we? Since there is more than six eyes, you will need to make ten different top lid lines. Each one is different in shape, size, and thickness.
drawing anime eyes step 7


 You will now sketch out or draw the shape of each anime eye like you see here. Some of the eyes have eyebrows and lids exposed as you see here depending on the expression that are giving off.
drawing anime eyes step 8


 Lastly, draw in the pupils, glare shape, and color or shade in the eyes the way you see them here. You can choose to draw one or two eyes, or the whole set it all depends on the type of anime or manga eye you are looking for.
drawing anime eyes step 9


 And this is the finished hand sketched sheet of sketching paper that I drew my anime eyes on. Did you enjoy this lesson or what? I hope so because I know I had a blast teaching you all the secrets to drawing anime eyes.

How to Draw Iron Man Easy

how to draw iron man easy
how to draw iron man easy step 1


 Let's start shall we? Begin by making a total egg shape or oval shape for the head guide of Iron Man's head. Sketch in one horizontal facial guideline like so, then proceed to step two.
how to draw iron man easy step 2


 Iron Man's mask has a few angles so you will have to pay close attention when drawing out the actual structure of his face and head. Start at the top and simply round out the top portion of the helmet. You will then come down the sides straight, then draw an angled line to form the jaw and then the chin. Make some ear like shapes on the sides of the head, then proceed to step three once you have drawn the definition line for the chin.
how to draw iron man easy step 3


 You will now start drawing out the inner lining that will eventually form a frame for Iron Man's face. Start in the middle between the forehead and draw a long shape that sort of points at the end. Once that is done you can draw the structure of the face using the lining you see here. The mouth part of the face should be the darkest line on his face.
how to draw iron man easy step 4


 For the last drawing step draw the shapes of the eyes, and connect the two with a middle robotic brow like you see here. Erase your mistakes and then you're done.
how to draw iron man easy step 5


 I told you it was going to be easy drawing Iron Man. All you have to do now is color him in to perfection. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial that showed you how you can draw Iron Man using a simple line work.

How to Draw Connor Kenway From Assassins Creed 3

how to draw connor kenway from assassins creed 3
how to draw connor kenway from assassins creed 3 step 1


 To start off, just draw a ovalish shape for Connor's head.
how to draw connor kenway from assassins creed 3 step 2


 Secondly, draw the main base of his body.
how to draw connor kenway from assassins creed 3 step 3


 Thirdly, draw the rest of Connor's main body layout. Kinda looks scary xD...
how to draw connor kenway from assassins creed 3 step 4


 Now that we've finished Connor's layout, lets go onto his main face shape and his hoodie.
how to draw connor kenway from assassins creed 3 step 5


 Next draw his face, the pattern of his hood and the rest of the shape of his hoodie.
how to draw connor kenway from assassins creed 3 step 6


 Now just draw his neck and his collar. :D i can just hug him now...
how to draw connor kenway from assassins creed 3 step 7


 Next just draw the start of his Chest design and draw those leather belt thingies across his chest. Pretty simple, so don't worry!
how to draw connor kenway from assassins creed 3 step 8


 Now draw his right arm and the main design.
how to draw connor kenway from assassins creed 3 step 9


 Just quickly draw the rest of the details onto his right arm. I'm trying to explain each step clearly so it'll be easier for you, so thats why it may be quite alot steps xD
how to draw connor kenway from assassins creed 3 step 10

STEP 10.

 Now just draw the whole of his chest or torso and the design of his coat. It may look a bit much on this step, but bare with me! I'm trying to make it the easiest i can!
how to draw connor kenway from assassins creed 3 step 11

STEP 11.

 We're almost finishing.. just draw the top rim of his arm on the left and draw out the ruffles at the side.
how to draw connor kenway from assassins creed 3 step 12

STEP 12.

 Now just draw the whole of his left arm and the design.
how to draw connor kenway from assassins creed 3 step 13

STEP 13.

 Last but not least.. draw the rest of the details and his arrows with his bow!! Taaadahh! You've drawn my love! xD.. meow.. hes so cute! Haha.. i hope you enjoyed this tut!