How to Draw Realistic People, Draw Real People

how to draw realistic people
how to draw realistic people step 1


 This is just a sketch of the many different face shapes that a human face can be drawn in. As you can see there is a total of nine different types of face structures, and all of them are their own shape. Look through this drawing to see what shape best fits your face. I think I have the round face.
how to draw realistic people step 2


 This is a sketch of the three different types of head poses that your realistic person can sport when you draw out your person. There is a pose from the side, front, and three fourths view.
how to draw realistic people step 3


 I want to explain this diagram in detail even though I already wrote it for you in the drawing. The eye of a profile face has a halve appearance. Many artists draw this the wrong way by drawing the eye in a whole form. The profile view of the face has a lot of details. There is a slight indication of a cheek like you see here, and there is also a line that defines the ridge of the nose. All of these factors are important to make the face look as real as possible. Study this sketch until you get the idea.
how to draw realistic people step 4


 As you can see in this diagram, I drew three different body poses. One is of a female, the middle figure is a male, and the last drawing is of a human skeleton. As you can see the portions are drawn accurately.
how to draw realistic people step 5


 In this step, I show you how to draw realistic people by their genders. There are many differences and details you must master in order to draw the most accurate realistic person. You may find drawing males harder because of their seemingly box like curves. Unlike women, men have box-like bodies. I have trouble trying to keep their bodies in tune with the anatomy. Read along the tips and you'll see what details you shouldn't leave out when you draw realistic people.
how to draw realistic people step 6


 As with other parts of the human face, there are lots of different eyes and eye expressions. Artists sometimes have trouble figuring out how to draw eyes. This is a diagram that I sketched of different eye styles and shapes. The Asian, angry, and top left eye are my three favorites.
how to draw realistic people step 7


 Like the eyes, there are various types of noses as well. Drawing a realistic nose can sometimes be frustrating as well. One of the hardest things for me to do when it came time to draw a nose, is getting it to look portioned with the face I was drawing. You have to remember, the size, shape, and structure of the nose should go along with the shape of the face.
how to draw realistic people step 8


 Let's get onto the lesson shall we? Start by drawing two circles for the heads of the male and female realistic person you are about to draw. Next, draw the facial guidelines, and try to make sure that the guidelines are drawn the way you see them here.
how to draw realistic people step 9


 You will now start lightly sketching out the eyes for both the male and female face. Once that is done, you can sketch out the sides of the noses like so.
how to draw realistic people step 10

STEP 10.

 Choose a face structure that you think would best fit your head figures, and then when you have chosen a face structure, begin sketching out the shape of the two faces. Next, draw the eyeballs, nostril holes, and then the top part of the mouth or lips.
how to draw realistic people step 11

STEP 11.

 Now you can start drawing realistically. Begin by adding color to the eyes, and by sketching out the eyebrows. Next, sketch the shape of the ears, and the rest of the mouth. Add some shading on the males cheeks, and on the lids of the female. When that is done you can sketch the shape of his neck, and their hairstyles. You can choose any style you like, but whatever you choose is fine.
how to draw realistic people step 12

STEP 12.

 When all is said and done, this is how your realistic people should look. You can choose to color them in, or you can leave your realistic people as sketches. I hope you had fun with this lesson, but more importantly, I hope you have learned something new today.